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Digital Design & Development

We partner closely with our clients to connect users with usable and useful experiences that provide measurable value.

While technology will enable a thoughtful process to become ingrained at scale, ingraining technology at scale will not always result in a thoughtful process.

Over 30 years of digital design with a purpose.

For most people, the initial point of contact with an organization is a digital platform. How the organization is presented in that context is critical to the exposure and perception of the brand to those users. At Hawkeye, we believe that great design can change the dynamic between brands and their consumers, augmenting the way interactions occur.

Rice University

A system of web ‘toolkits’ were designed and developed to provide digital and web assets that can be tailored to the individual needs of the schools and departments, while providing a framework to increase the likelihood of maintaining a high level of quality across the organization as a whole.

View Project

Strategy is at the heart of what we do.

The right path forward only becomes clear through collaboration and research. Focus groups, interviews and workshops inform the design process of  crafting effortless experiences for end-users. We design every pixel, write every word and tailor every interaction to move users and engage them with meaningful websites and applications that are both usable and useful.

BJ Services

Enterprise website design and development with a focus on workflows for content managers and the efficient output of new content, while incorporating new advances in data driven cross-site promotion and usability across devices.

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When design meets digital, it becomes much more than just pixels on a screen. Digital design becomes a platform to deliver experiences which create measurable value for both businesses and consumers. Through rapid prototyping, usability testing and iterative development we are able to hone solutions around the context, expectations, and decision making processes of users at every touchpoint.


A fully responsive library of content pertaining to the recent advances in synthetic rope technology. A custom content management system (CMS) was developed for the site, allowing the SWOS team to manage the site’s content and offer new and relevant material on a regular basis efficiently.

View Project

We partner closely with our clients to identify appropriate technologies to enhance efficiency, increase engagement and improve customer experiences in ways that align with the strategic vision of the business. Our teams collaborate across disciplines to seamlessly weave technology, data and design through processes and team structures to implement change. We create intuitive, simple and engaging experiences for all users on any device, at any screen size.


If you would like to hear more about our work or process, and how we can help you create meaningful digital experiences, please give us a call or fill out the form below. We would love to hear from you.